Nooooo. I had a huge long comment and it's gone. Mannnnnnnn. Wtf. I left the app to go get a link and came back and my comments gone. Ugh. Anyway. I'll do the abridged version. My favorite living guitar player was also very inspired by Miles. That being Buckethead. So much so that Bucket was transcribing Miles in 9th or 10th grade! Most people think he's just a shredder but his 600+ albums say otherwise. You should check him out sometime. I don't really go for the shreddy stuff or the super heavy stuff but that's not all he does. There's PLENTY more to like besides that. Starting with this one he dedicated to Miles, called "Sketches of Spain(For Miles)" https://youtu.be/FVwgMvHFbP0?si=Suqrll_xoekCjYfR according to Les Claypool, Bucket is the best rythum player he's ever seen/heard and his pocket is deeper than anyone's. I don't doubt it, coming from Les. You should check him out sometime, Bob. Sketches of Spain(For Miles) is a good place to start πŸ‘

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Then try this one. This was maybe the 2nd non-shred song I heard by Bucket. I believe he wrote this when his Dad passed away. Probably my favorite song of his. The album is unnamed. The series of albums are called Pikes. So it's just "Pike #78 Track 1". The only other unnamed albums also came out after tragedies in his life. He did another when his mom passed away. And possibly when his Aunt Suzie passed away. She was the one who bought him his first guitar and got him into music so he holds her in very very high regards.

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Here's the other one. This one hit me almost as hard as 'Loan Me a Dime' and LMAD is THE REASON I play guitar. Pike 78 Track 1 - https://youtu.be/4f4GOkEb7es?si=Ny4axCzzyYSI6xh7

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And since I brought up LMAD, have you heard this one, Bob? The first time I realized the end was different was just now. I've always heard the fade out but this one is different. It doesn't fade out as much and has more music after the point it usually fades out. https://youtu.be/Vv60Dz9hUPo?si=PNy5zw1lEWdXvzag

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