Bob it was so good to finally meet you face to face at Roots after communicating here and elsewhere for several months. I knew that you needed to experience the vibe...the magic that came from Butch's love of Duane as a special kind of musician and human being. I believe that Roots is a pretty unique "camp" on this planet...and you're now a part of the tribe...more to come later. M

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it’s going to take me awhile to fully process it. Roots is a literal embodiment of “long live the ABB”—how the ABB’s music and influence endures beyond the band’s 45-year career.

thanks for all of your encouragement, Mike.

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Bob, as I reflected on it driving home, this may be the only current music camp on the planet dedicated to a man who died at 24, with about 5-6 years of a professional bio, whose dream band continued on for over 40 years without him at the helm....but still VERY inspired by his personal & professional ethos. To have young men make the trek from India to experience and be part of this....Butch's vision is very much alive & well. I love the 45 and the shirt...THANK you

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